Sale of paintings by Hilma de Klint

Born on 26 October 1862 in Stockholm, Sweden, Hilma af Klint was the fourth child of Mathilda af Klint (née Sonntag) and Victor de Klint. Like his parents for several generations, Victor was a naval officer.

Like her father, Hilma was a mathematician, but she soon proved to be extremely gifted in the field of artistic creation. In particular, she took painting lessons. At the age of 18, she enrolled at the Stockholm Technical School of Art and later at the Stockholm Academy of Fine Arts, a place where women were rare at the ... See more >

Born on 26 October 1862 in Stockholm, Sweden, Hilma af Klint was the fourth child of Mathilda af Klint (née Sonntag) and Victor de Klint. Like his parents for several generations, Victor was a naval officer.

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