Sale of paintings by Caspar David Friedrich

Born in Greifswald, Germany, Caspar Friedrich (1774 - 1840) studied drawing before moving to Denmark. He joined the Royal Academy of Fine Arts from 1794 to 1798 to learn Antique and Classical art. He then moved to Dresden, a city in artistic turmoil, where his landscape drawings were very popular. Friedrich even won a prize at the Weimar competition in 1804. He only began to paint in 1807, specialising in romantic landscapes. The artist gained a solid reputation in the 1810s when his works were purchased by the King of Prussia. At ... See more >

Born in Greifswald, Germany, Caspar Friedrich (1774 - 1840) studied drawing before moving to Denmark. He joined the Royal Academy of Fine Arts from 1794 to 1798 to learn Antique and Classical art. He then moved to Dre... See more >

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