Sale of paintings by Robert Delaunay

Born into a bourgeois Parisian family, Robert Delaunay (1885 - 1941) was introduced to traditional painting by his uncle. Anxious to become a "painter of modernity", he produced his first paintings in 1904, which were closely linked to nature and strongly inspired by the neo-impressionist and fauvist movements. After being excluded from the Salon d'Automne in 1906, he gained a small reputation by exhibiting at the Salon des Indépendants with his paintings of Paris monuments, which were close to Cubism. Despite his attraction to maj... See more >

Born into a bourgeois Parisian family, Robert Delaunay (1885 - 1941) was introduced to traditional painting by his uncle. Anxious to become a "painter of modernity", he produced his first paintings in 1904, which were... See more >

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