Room by the sea - Edward Hopper
Room by the sea - Edward Hopper

A scene of ordinary life. The room with the unobstructed view visible from the main door seems to open onto an unimaginable void from which the sea will always be visible. The two minimalist rooms are exposed in a game of mirrors where the layout and the light are presented and repeated in the same form, as if no escape were possible except by taking the plunge towards a dizzying freedom.
A hidden symbol of loneliness and sadness where mental charges obscure all possibilities of dreams, nothing in these rooms can compete with the sea. In this light caught between four walls, Hopper fills the space with the mystery of existence and the enigmas of his mind.
Want to buy another Edward Hopper painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
L'œuvre en bref
A scene of ordinary life. The room with the unobstructed view visible from the main door seems to open onto an unimaginable void from which the sea will always be visible. The two minimalist rooms are exposed in a game of mirrors where the layout and the light are presented and repeated in the same form, as if no escape were possible except by taking the plunge towards a dizzying freedom.
A hidden symbol of loneliness and sadness where mental charges obscure all possibilities of dreams, nothing in these rooms can compete with the sea. In this light caught between four walls, Hopper fills the space with the mystery of existence and the enigmas of his mind.
Want to buy another Edward Hopper painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
Comparez avec l’original
Reproduction of Room by the sea by Edward Hopper

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