White - Soft and Hard - Vassily Kandinsky
L'œuvre en bref
Vassily Kandinsky's painting White, Soft and Hard is an iconic work of abstract art. Kandinsky, a pioneer of abstraction, created this piece during a period of profound political and social upheaval in Europe. The historical context was one of rising tensions and the quest for artistic innovation.
In this painting, Kandinsky demonstrates his mastery of abstraction by using a reduced colour palette, dominated by black and white. The contrast between the smooth and rough elements of the painting is evident. The blurred shapes and areas of soft white and grey give a feeling of lightness and fluidity, while the sharp black lines and sharp geometric shapes create a solid, rigid structure.
Want to buy another painting by Vassily Kandinsky? Check out all our reproductions of this artist.
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Reproduction of White - Soft and Hard by Vassily Kandinsky

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