Small Worlds I - Vassily Kandinsky
L'œuvre en bref
Small Worlds I is an iconic work that demonstrates Vassily Kandinsky's investigation of colour, form and harmony, while exploring the limits of perception and artistic expression. The abstract painting is part of a series of lithographs made by Kandinsky during his time at the Bauhaus, a German art school renowned for its avant-garde and interdisciplinary approach to art education.
The painting is characterised by its abstract and dynamic composition, where geometric and organic forms intermingle and overlap in a swirl of bright, contrasting colours. The colour palette includes primary colours such as blue, red and yellow, as well as more subtle shades of green, orange and violet. The work exudes an energy and vitality that invites the viewer to explore the relationships between the visual elements and to freely interpret the emotions and sensations evoked by the abstraction.
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Reproduction of Small Worlds I by Vassily Kandinsky

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