Heavy Red - Vassily Kandinsky
Heavy Red - Vassily Kandinsky

Vassily Kandinsky pushed the boundaries of abstract art throughout his career. Here, geometric elements of various shapes and colors are scattered in a dynamic and interactive manner, inspiring a state of alterable equilibrium, moving against a warm background. Although it is fascinating to decipher the symbols, according to Kandinsky the colors and lines were meant to function subliminally to encourage a new spiritual apprehension. The artist preferred to make the world abstract to encourage a vision beyond material existence. It is common for the artist to centre his works around a particular colour, as is also the case for In blue.
Want to buy another painting by Vassily Kandinsky? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
L'œuvre en bref
Vassily Kandinsky pushed the boundaries of abstract art throughout his career. Here, geometric elements of various shapes and colors are scattered in a dynamic and interactive manner, inspiring a state of alterable equilibrium, moving against a warm background. Although it is fascinating to decipher the symbols, according to Kandinsky the colors and lines were meant to function subliminally to encourage a new spiritual apprehension. The artist preferred to make the world abstract to encourage a vision beyond material existence. It is common for the artist to centre his works around a particular colour, as is also the case for In blue.
Want to buy another painting by Vassily Kandinsky? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
Comparez avec l’original
Reproduction of Heavy Red by Vassily Kandinsky

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